What we do
We produce 10-20 minute video episodes showcasing Armenia’s village children in their often poor music schools and their natural environment. We send a six-man crew to these remote villages for 2 days for each episode. Each project however, starts with planning and scheduling of where to go, when to go, who to see, how many children can be available and what do they play. We have to organize transportation, hotel and meals for our crew. Upon arrival, we video all we can during our trip including the children’s performances, interviews with them and their teachers, their natural environment etc. We of course record All sounds professionally including natural sounds in their environment.
Upon return, all the clips are taken to video editing while the sound engineer starts arranging all the recordings to create an unexpected song. The tedious work begins when we must coordinate and synchronize the sounds with the video during editing. Arthur, the director, the editor and the sound engineer will be present at all editing sessions as needed. A lot of work goes into piecing the parts together to get an exciting episode.